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Oh Love Music Video

Comic Sans

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"I don't understand rock'n'roll" lol

you don't get it. I don't care if the women wanted to be there and I totally don't care if ladies in skimpy clothing are hanging out with the band. But that's not the point. The point is they only appeared to be there for the male gaze. and if the "point" of rock'n'roll is for women to sit around and for band members to look at/use as arm candy, then Green Day should be breaking that stereotype, not reinforcing it. It's blatant sexism, sorry if you can't see that.

I'm not gonna pretend that the girls weren't dressed the way they were for a reason.....BUT I'm not going to go straight to calling sexism on Green Day's part because the band, themselves, have done things to capture the "female gaze" as well. That shirt Billie's got on gives quite a nice view, for example. If he had more defined pecs, it would've been straight-up man-cleavage.

The issue of whether it's appropriate or not to use sexualized images to sell a product is an issue entirely unto itself, but if both men and women are being sexualized, it doesn't sound particularly sexist to me.

My point was that you're allowed to not like something Green Day puts out.

To me, Oh Love was a terrible choice for a lead single and for the most part is a bad song, but when I voiced my opinion, all I got was hate and comments saying why it's good. I'm just tired of seeing people defend it because the thought of they're favorite band putting out something weak is preposterous.

People aren't defending the song because they can't fathom Green Day putting out something "weak"; they're defending it because they *like* it. That's what makes your statement about respecting people's opinions back-asswards.

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My reaction to the PG-vid was basically that it was boring and a bit strange in terms of editing.

The R-rated version played better in the beginning as you were able to actually see the girls hanging out. It actually felt like something was going on and most of the boobs you saw were incidental from the outfits. By the end of the video, it got a bit weird, and I still wish--in both versions--that they had spread the sillier antics out throughout the video, as it would've given the whole thing a much more light-hearted tone, instead of just "oh, hey, here's some silly shots at the end."

I also find the reaction to the girls' looks to be interesting. Some people have found them "hot"; but many others have said they're not good-looking at all and that their boobs are "unimpressive". Personally, I like that they're somewhat unconventional-looking and that they don't all have giant balloons for breasts :lol: But then, I'm not attracted to women.

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I feel weird asking where I can see the R rated version :lol: I'm actually more curious to see how different it is

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I finally watched the video - R Rated. For me it was quite mediocre, it didn't really need all the tits. To be honest from what I had heard about the vid before watching was expecting it to be dirtier. :lol: Hopefully Kill The DJ is better

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Aww, I'm sorry you feel like that. :( Green Day fans do get extremely protective of their opinion, the worst I've seen it was The Boo where I think a few death threats were even flying around towards people who didn't like it (that may have been elsewhere on the Internet but I know it was quite bad even on here). Most of the time there's a great community here though, it's a real shame you feel you've had a bad experience over this.

I'm sorry you feel that way about the video - I think it's shit too, and at first I felt exactly the same as you did. Over time the impact of it has worn off though, especially with seeing the behind the scenes video where they're not that serious about it. I get the impression it was a lot more Sam Bayer's idea/influence than the band's. Well, I hope you feel better about it soon!

Thanks, it means a lot to me to know that there are still nice people on here who still do care about others. It really makes me feel so much better that I wasnt one of the only people that felt that way. I know I will get over it in time, but it was just really surprising to see that kind of thing coming from them, but really, thank you for being kind and supportive to other fans, this forum needs more people like you.

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I don't like it. It's incredebly boring... what the hell, Sam Bayer?! I was so happy when I saw that they worked with him again, but this is more than disappointing.

Plus, the huge tattoo that the blonde girls has on her back is very ugly. :blink:

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please sb tell me when can we purchase this from itunes?

and where I can watch the interview?

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WTF WAS THAT?! I didn't like it at all.

Plus, what's wrong with Billie's voice? It's weirdly high-pitched :blink:

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This video was just uninspired. I mean, the Rated R version had better shots and some very beautiful shots but it didn't fit the song.

Maybe if the song was called "Oh Lust" but... it's not. :S

It's about lust though, just because it doesn't say it in the title doesn't mean it's not in the song :P

I don't care what you think Rock'n'Roll is about, but to me that video just wasn't them, it was sleazy and disgusting, and it goes against everything they have always been and believed in... They are married for crying out loud.

The video represents the song, not the band. The models and the band members are just acting, they're playing characters to illustrate the lyrics of the song about sexual tension and desire. It's just a fictional video about a song.

Still wish they'd made it less boring and awkward though!

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omg...... i fucking missed 3 minuttes of the video!!! Well, ill seach for it now :P

The interview was great!!!

So fucking tired now lol

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Thanks, it means a lot to me to know that there are still nice people on here who still do care about others. It really makes me feel so much better that I wasnt one of the only people that felt that way. I know I will get over it in time, but it was just really surprising to see that kind of thing coming from them, but really, thank you for being kind and supportive to other fans, this forum needs more people like you.

No problem, glad it made you feel a bit better. :)

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I just watched it, yeah.... not my thing. I don't personally like it, I got really bored, really quickly.

The girls looked so bored, out of place and seemed like awful actors. Yes they are models but, their movements were so shift and un-natural, it was uncomfortable. Also they NEVER seem to close their mouths ever! I've seen goldfish with their mouths closed more then theirs! And the tits got annoying after a while, REALLY annoying!

The guys when not performing looked awkward and...yeah I dunno, I'm kinda grossed out on how they seemed. They were acting but, to me the video made them seem like dirty old men which I dont think that was the point. The point I think was to show them having fun backstage like majority rock stars, but I didn't feel that vibe. It just, like I said, made them seem like dirty old men I don't want to think of them as that! I see them as inspiring men who have changed my life and taught me how to be an individual! Then they go out and do this?!

I didn't feel the sexual tension Billie Joe talked about at all, I just felt awkward, bored and confused!

The only bit I honestly liked was the few seconds with Mike laughing with that girl and Tre near the start of the video on the couch lounging around with the girls; those were the most natural things I saw in the whole video.

Samuel Bayer you better do A LOT better next time in the next video!

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I was disappointed by the video. I understand that the song is about lust but there could've been a much better video and concept to show that feeling of lust, not just a few girls hanging out and boobs and Green Day playing next to them.

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Just checked out the video. First reaction, meh. I feel the band aren't in it enough which they probably are it just dosent feel like it. The girls are underused it seems like 90% of the video is just close ups of women's faces or an arm or a leg. The song is great the video is bland despite the eye candy.

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Can't view the r-rated version on greendayinc,but after reading the comments I'm not sure I want to.

Surprised no-one has put a video of the interview on youtube yet

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I know, song is about sexual tension, video fits to the song etc., but I still don't like it. For me this video is just boring, sorry guys. And I don't like half naked girls in music videos, I'm old fashioned :happy:

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Well I think the video doesn't deserve all the hate. It is about falling inlove and sexual tension after all. I think it followed the concept of Oh love perfectly. My humble opinion though it lacks some substance :)

Does anyone know who's that chick with the tattoo on the back.. The one with Touch moi underwear

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Just watched the rated version. It was pretty much what I expected. It would have been a lot better if it didn't constantly cut to those two girls with the awful fucking lips 2 inches away from the camera. That was taking me out of the mood, man. :mad:

So what's the unrated version like? That, but with boobs? If so, I don't feel like searching through 20+ pages of thread. Oh well. I didn't get my hopes ridiculously high for this so I'm satisfied, but then again it's just a music video and I don't care and will probably never watch it again.

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Well the video isn't great. But its not the worst video i've ever seen. The R rated is better for obvious reasons :eyebrows::P

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Well I think the video doesn't deserve all the hate. It is about falling inlove and sexual tension after all. I think it followed the concept of Oh love perfectly. My humble opinion though it lacks some substance :)

Does anyone know who's that chick with the tattoo on the back.. The one with Touch moi underwear

I kind of agree with this

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I actually think that's the worst and most boring video from all the bands I like/have on my iPod...

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After watching the video again this morning and not being tired as hell now, i actually enjoyed the video a bit more, not Green Days best video by any means, but definitely not their worst either! I Feel like a lot of people are missing the point of the video and its a lot better than people are giving it credit for but hey ho not my problem. I like it, i can't wait to see the "Kill the DJ" Video either! :)

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