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  2. GreenDayJunkie86

    The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread

    My words exactly, loll
  3. Today
  4. Undómiel

    The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread

    Yeah the question is whether they'd be safe from *me*, not the other way round 😅😅
  5. PhuzzyPhriend

    The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread

    There aren't words for how much I would love being locked in a room with these three men.
  6. Undómiel

    The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread

    Re the whole man/bear debate meme... Name three men who you would feel totally safe being locked in a room with: *voila* ☝️
  7. Cris.

    Green Day Instagram Photos

    I think these were from Dubai
  8. Cris.

    Random Green Day Thoughts

    Am I the only one who immediately thought of prison Mike (The Office) when seeing Mike in this video?
  9. Dingle

    Random Green Day Thoughts

    Awesome. Thanks for that. A welcome reminder that Warning is an amazing album. Especially as it's 25th anniversary this year. Another anniversary box set maybe a coming to a record store near you very soon? 🤪
  10. ollhjr

    Random Green Day Thoughts

  11. GreenDayJunkie86

    Green Day nominated for three iHeartRadio Music Awards

    I notified an iHeart Radio staff member and they were trying to convince me that Green Day wasn't in any categories to vote for. I responded saying that they were nominated, but no response back. I'll let you guys know if I get any more help 😕. I'm also soooo confused because only the pop categories are visible. Maybe hip-hop and alternative/rock will be categories later? I don't know.
  12. GreenDayJunkie86

    Green Day Instagram Photos

    Mike dirnt has peacock at his house (or wherever he is, lol). He named it "Steve".
  13. Yesterday
  14. Should have been a single from the start. Release it now as a single either the live version or a re-recoding with Billie #2 and have proceeds go to charity…should a been a single in 09…
  15. Man, if only it didn’t take unspeakable tragedy to get people to appreciate Green Day’s deep cuts.
  16. PhuzzyPhriend

    Green Day On This Day

    Thank you so much for your dedication to this project and willingness to share your talents with us. As others have said, please take care of yourself. We will all be here for you when you are ready to return.
  17. Cris.

    Green Day On This Day

    @solongfromthestars I'll join the others in saying, take your time and take care of yourself. Thanks for all the hard work you've poured into this project, it's been nice to see all of it and it's given us the chance to relive and retell the stories from the moments we have witnessed first hand. 😊
  18. This sounds great! It looks like the Melody Bar is in the lobby of my hotel! When you say solo, do you mean traveling to Japan or the concert or both? Impressed! Can I send you my phone#? I have Verizon so won't have a problem with International texting or calling.
  19. Mar

    Random Green Day News - 2024

    I just love that it was a broke ass DJ. Sounds like he's using the "I'm just a little guy 🥹" defense and it may work. How stupid 🙄
  20. Good morning everyone, I am starting to consider getting ticket for at least one of this two shows. When purchasing the ticket, there’s two entrances… north and south. Which one is the left and right side of the stage? Thanks a lot!!!
  21. LNOE now in Green Day's top 10 on Spotify.
  22. GreenDayJunkie86

    Random Green Day Thoughts

    Green Day posted a clip of this video on Instagram story. This kid is good.
  23. GreenDayJunkie86

    Random Green Day News - 2024

    https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2025/02/06/no-charges-expected-for-pilot-accused-of-flying-drone-over-green-day-concert-comerica-park-detroit/78294471007/ FBI finally investigating the drone situation from the Detroit show. 👀
  24. Last week
  25. Even higher yesterday- 250,000.
  26. Mato

    Random Green Day Thoughts

    I believe it was Woodstock 1994 vinyl back in 2019. Already six years since I've bought it, time flies man..
  27. Gwen Stacy

    Random Green Day Thoughts

    Record Store Day list came out for this year and again, nothing from Green Day. When was the last time they did anything for RSD? Demolicious? It’s a bummer because of how closely they’re tied in with 1234 Go! you’d think this would be something that’s on their radar. *sigh*
  28. Hi! I'm travelling solo, this is my fourth trip to Japan and I did the other 3 solo too so I'm used to things generally. I've not been to Yokohama before so i'm not really knowledgeable on the area, but there does seem to be a bar called Melody Bar which is right near the Hilton and the arena itself, I'll probably head there for a pre-gig drink, so that could be a good place to meet if you want?
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