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Blood, Sex and Booze


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I'm glad this was bumped, because I actually hadn't read Hermione's interpretation and the ones that followed, and I certainly had never considered that it had that second meaning.... I had always wondered if there was something else to the song, because although I think the first verse is fully BS&M, the second verse... meh not so much, so I always thought there could be a little of somethng else there, but never gave it that much thought liek to come up with a new theory.

The bass line and rhythm guitar also have echoes in 21st CB's "¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl)", so perhaps the guys are trying to weave in a little bit of BDSM into Gloria's character in 21st CB?


Regardless of how you interpret it -- and clearly there are several valid ways of doing so -- the song's one of the more impressive ones on Warning. Brilliant lyrics, potent and powerful melody....and underrated, as is the album it comes from.

On the ¿Viva la Gloria? part, I just want to say this: "of love and razor blades your blood is surging".

I always thought that was just poiting to a little self-harm, with her beein dirven to it by some lost love. But now that you mention this, maybe the "of love" tried to point to a little BDSM in her relationships, and the "razor blades" part to a little self-harm?

Interesting stuff to think about. God I love this band.

And on the last part of your post, about BS&B and Warning.... I couldn't agree more. Warning is a great album, and BS&B one of the best songs in it, in my opinion at least. Shame that they're both so underrated.

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