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I just received/dowloaded/bought my copy of 21st CB


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I wish I could afford the huge set with the vinyls and everything. Maybe one day...

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The new album is fantastic, albeit a little depressing, but still. It's an amazing combination of Green Day's older punk sound with arena rock production(did I mention that Butch Vig is and always has been AMAZING?!), with an epic story to tell.

I think this tops American Idiot imo. I don't know if I can be more satisfied with this record.

No kidding. I was listening to American Idiot the other night becasue I didn't have 21CB and it had been a while since I had listened to American Idiot, but it just wasn't the same after hearing this record.

I actually think it's much less depressing than American Idiot which was a damn tragedy.

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YAAYYY I finally received my physical copy of the album!! So very excited, it's going straight into my CD player and I'll be listening to it all night.


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Does anyone still have that :woot: face that bounced still?

I want it.

And I have 4 copies of this CD. Digital, Deluxe from Best Buy, Regular and Limited.

I'll look back on this when I'm 30 and giggle. :sweat:

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LOL I just won ANOTHER copy of Breakdown (I have 2, Standard and Deluxe, waiting on the Special Edition) off the Hit List (where I win everything :lol:)

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LOL I just won ANOTHER copy of Breakdown (I have 2, Standard and Deluxe, waiting on the Special Edition) off the Hit List (where I win everything :lol:)

fucking lucky bastard :lol:

I had to pay 18 euros (about 22/24 us dollars) for the standard edition... Portugal just sucks on pricing cd's!

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I think the new album smashed every potential ounce of pressure away from them and the follow up to American Idiot's success. Although it's a similar album in ways, I think it's so much better. It's more developed, subtle, clever and varied.

Wow :happy:

Best songs at the moment;

Peacemaker - Consistently melodic enough for me to not miss one note or breath

21st Century Breakdown - Similar jingle to JOS and Homecoming in ways but has a far bigger impact on me

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i pre-orded my copy months ago, and got an email on the 13th telling me that it'd been shipped. still nothing. :mad:

you're not the only one, haven't got my copy neither :mad:

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it was a good feeling opening the packaging for the first time. i remember thinking that id been waiting for this moment for about 2 and 3/4 years, and it was finally here....

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I loving Static Age a lot right now.

I have been listening to all the Green Day albums tonight, pretty much in order, and I love them all...but when I hear this one it just. It stands alone I guess you would have to say.

I am not sure how else to put it.

Still I can hear a song like "She" or "Waiting" and still be really moved because they mean a lot to me...which I love.

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well, being as impatient as i am, limewire was my friend :thumbsup:

I've had the whole album on my ipod for a week now :D

21 Guns, is definitely stiking a chord with me at the moment <3

However, Before The Lobotmy an Viva La Gloria! are becoming fast favorites of mine

Overall, i love the abum ^_^

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My sister brought this home for me yesterday from work, it's absolutely massive


And I need to get myself a 'regular' copy of the album, still.

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I cannot believe I still do not have the CD, but I have been listening to it online. I am going to get it next week when my $100 check from my Aunt goes through.

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I just bought my 2nd version of 21cb. The first was the itunes pre-order version with the four cover bonus tracks. A few days ago, decided I needed an actual booklet to sing along with and I had a Target gift card. So today I went to Target and bought their exclusive edition with the American Idiot bonus disc which was previously released but I never had it so it's new to me :D

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I purchased the iTunes Pre-Order edition for the 4 bonus tracks and also bought the version at Target with the 6 track live EP ... still waiting for the "Know Your Enemy" CD single to arrive for the 2 extra songs !!

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I bought the limited edition copy from HMV the day the album went out. Then yesterday, I bought the regular album. :happy:

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ok I was looking for this thread!

I got my cd on wednesday

and I love it!

I cant stop listening to it

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Late but I got my copy today at Best Buy ! I was surprised they had the 52-page deluxe version so thats what I bought :happy:

I absolutely love the whole thing, though I only listened to it once through. Definitely gonna be the soundtrack of the summer

My iPod will never leave my side

Never buy from Best Buy! :down:

Why not ?

I think i'm gonna wear out Little Girl


That was one of the tracks that stuck out alot for me

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I haven't won any copies..but I've bought 5 copies so far.

Two for Hot Topic CD signing, Best Buy limited Book, Regular version at Best Buy (before i knew they were doing a signing at Hot Topic). Then I pre-ordered the $100+ version.

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Late but I got my copy today at Best Buy ! I was surprised they had the 52-page deluxe version so thats what I bought :happy:

I absolutely love the whole thing, though I only listened to it once through. Definitely gonna be the soundtrack of the summer

My iPod will never leave my side

Why not ?


That was one of the tracks that stuck out alot for me

I got that version, too. :happy: "Little Girl" is amazing.

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I purchased the iTunes Pre-Order edition for the 4 bonus tracks and also bought the version at Target with the 6 track live EP ... still waiting for the "Know Your Enemy" CD single to arrive for the 2 extra songs !!

We both bought the same stuff! I just forgot to mention the Know Your Enemy CD-single in my first post. I hope the 21 Guns single (or whatever the next single is) will have Drama Queen and/or Wonderful on it.

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