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god, I hope not.

Sam the Bear needs to shove off.

I was wondering what guitar he'll use too

maybe he has a new one that we havent seen yet and he'll use it on the new album

eeee :D

It's already been confirmed by Andres that Sam Bayer is directing the video. Check back to page 4 or something.

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I can't wait to hear the full version of the song. I don't think I'll be staying up till 5 AM, though! I can be patient :)

Personally, I think this song'll be better than The Saints Are Coming was!

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I don't want to ruin it for everyone, but usually iTunes uploads all new music TUESDAY, and refreses the store around 1am Tuesday. I think you can download the song from that one site that was linked for radio stations and such on Monday, but actual purchasing is on Tuesday. THOUGH, iTunes did sell Vertigo early, so I'm probably just full of shit..... :whistling:

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It's 10.02 am here in Bulgaria and there' s still nothing on iTunes nor on the radio stations. I've been up since 5 am :happy: Uh ,it seems I'll have to wait a few more hours ...

Anyway ,I really like the preview and I think it'll be a great song. My dad ,who is a huge The Beatles fan and a John Lennon fan of course ,said that the song is good. This is a big thing to me ,because he dosen't say such things about Green Day.

Well ,Sam will be making the video ,so let's hope it's something good

If he screw it again I'll go to USA and kill him :pinch:

P.S. I think I've listened to the preview way too much for the past hour .Maybe I should stop for a couple of hours :mellow:

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I'm starting to have my doubts about it being released today. In the email i got from their manager he said that the song would "hit radios on Monday". So i'm thinking, what if gd.net got the info wrong?

I dunno.

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Because if it was released today, you would've known it already by now?

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I'm starting to have my doubts about it being released today. In the email i got from their manager he said that the song would "hit radios on Monday". So i'm thinking, what if gd.net got the info wrong?

I dunno.

well, who runs the Green Day myspace?

they posted a bulletin saying it would be released on April 30th


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Here in Spain it's 1:00 PM and still nothing... (obviously, would be funny that we could found the song and not you xD)


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12:22 pm in England and nothing atm, if it does happen today it will probably be like 5:00-6:00pm American time when we've all gone to bed... :bored:

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I lost hope two hours ago.Now it's 14.25 here and still nothing .

Well ,maybe the song 'will hit the radios' when it's day in USA.It's still night there ,right? :ermm:

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