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2024/09/04 - Comerica Park, Detroit, Michigan


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Police have detained the suspected drone operator 

Also a lot of hate being stirred up on X as a result of this


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1 hour ago, Rumpelstiltskin2000 said:

Also a lot of hate being stirred up on X as a result of this


Good Lord, these types of people are the worst. And the replies are as racist and ignorant as you'd expect.

Oh, Jesus Christ, the Linda Linda's mentions are flooded with MAGA people. 

I just don't get it.

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5 hours ago, Liam said:

Billie looks terrified 


That video is terrifying 😱 I can imagine people in the audience, especially those near the stage, might have been scared too. I'm glad it was just scare.

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Poor guys and concert goers! Until they knew what was going on that must have been scary!! Glad nobody panicked. 

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8 hours ago, JardyOfSuburbia said:

Good Lord, these types of people are the worst. And the replies are as racist and ignorant as you'd expect.

Oh, Jesus Christ, the Linda Linda's mentions are flooded with MAGA people. 

I just don't get it.

and they're just kids. Aren't those types all for protecting kids?

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Does anyone know if anything like this has ever happened before? I mean has Green Day ever had to stop and leave the stage in the middle of a show for some emergency?  

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God Billie and the guys are such pros just coming back and playing after a scare like that.

Glad everyone was safe and OK.

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16 minutes ago, pacejunkie punk said:

Does anyone know if anything like this has ever happened before? I mean has Green Day ever had to stop and leave the stage in the middle of a show for some emergency?  

I feel like it hasn’t happened in recent history or us crazies would probably know about it?


9 minutes ago, Rumpelstiltskin2000 said:

God Billie and the guys are such pros just coming back and playing after a scare like that.

Glad everyone was safe and OK.

Agreed. Couldn’t tell any difference between the show I attended Sunday and this one. They’re a machine.

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1 hour ago, AlissaGoesRAWR said:

I can’t think of another time when I’ve felt my heart sink into my stomach so fast. That was so eerie to experience, especially since I was up in the stands with a bunch of casual fans who didn’t seem to realize right away that something was wrong. The music cut off but the crowd kept singing for a few seconds longer. Maybe working in news for so long has made me always assume the worst, but I was terrified I was about to be a part of a mass panic/evacuation situation. I thought security saw somebody with a gun or other weapon and felt the guys were in danger — especially Mike since he was rushed off first. My initial thought was maybe Mike had a medical emergency but once @Mar saw them all getting rushed away from the venue in golf carts because she could see behind the stage from her seat, I knew that didn’t make any sense.

After people realized them leaving the stage wasn’t supposed to happen, we all just sat there confused and quiet and on edge. It was really unnerving, but surprisingly nobody seemed to outwardly panic near me. Well, except me. :pinch:

Even though they tried to resume like nothing had happened — even picking up mid-song — it really took a while for me to get back “into it” after that. I felt really bad for fans experiencing the show for the first time. First, the fact that they were probably panicking thinking that it might get canceled. And then the fact that the whole point is to hear the album as a cohesive experience. Not with a 10-minute anxiety attack break, ugh. And then my brain did the whole “omg someday the band won’t be here any more and I don’t know how I’ll cope” thing after thinking one of them might be seriously hurt or threatened.

… all this during a song about masturbation. This fucking band, what have they done to me. :lol: 

Also, Billie’s amp went out during the end of Good Riddance and he had to play his guitar into the microphone while singing into it as well. His face at the end, when he said it was “a night we’ll all remember,” his expression just screamed “what a fucking shit show,” ha. 

I know we discussed this ad nauseum last night but yeah, exactly. Even though I knew rationally that if they planned to stop the show again they wouldn't have restarted it in the first place, I still felt uneasy at least through Basket Case, and I feel like the crowd felt the same, because that is normally one of the biggest crowd participation songs and it seemed a little quiet. And lmao @ that Insta post they had Billie do, you can tell he was like FUUUUUUUCK DETROIT MAN 😂 which has now given me macro-level anxiety like you had. What if starting Saturday or starting the next tour they change or limit things because they've also been analyzing this as deeply as we are and those changes, while necessary for the safety of the band, make the experience less friendly for the fans?! (Not that I'd blame them, but again, just thinking selfishly!)

Yknow, maybe this experience in Detroit will make them rethink their anti-Cleveland stance, though 🤔 😄 because after all, you can't have shit in Detroit! 

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1 hour ago, Mar said:

I know we discussed this ad nauseum last night but yeah, exactly. Even though I knew rationally that if they planned to stop the show again they wouldn't have restarted it in the first place, I still felt uneasy at least through Basket Case, and I feel like the crowd felt the same, because that is normally one of the biggest crowd participation songs and it seemed a little quiet. And lmao @ that Insta post they had Billie do, you can tell he was like FUUUUUUUCK DETROIT MAN 😂 which has now given me macro-level anxiety like you had. What if starting Saturday or starting the next tour they change or limit things because they've also been analyzing this as deeply as we are and those changes, while necessary for the safety of the band, make the experience less friendly for the fans?! (Not that I'd blame them, but again, just thinking selfishly!)

Yknow, maybe this experience in Detroit will make them rethink their anti-Cleveland stance, though 🤔 😄 because after all, you can't have shit in Detroit! 

You’re right — this never would have happened in Cleveland! :mad:

… still so butthurt we didn’t get a Cleveland-themed patch, and the Cincy one was kind of lame. Poor Ohio. :(  We were just left with some random “hey Ohio friends” shout outs during the Pittsburgh show.

“But at least we’re not Detroit!”

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On 9/4/2024 at 10:00 PM, JardyOfSuburbia said:


So because this has to keep getting weirder — the band deleted this tweet! (I had screenshotted it though.) 


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Does anyone know where to find photos the media crew took? I know a bunch of crew took pics of me in my mask as they were walking by and I'm hoping to find them so show my friends. 

If anyone has any info I'd appreciate a message!!

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They are now 2-2 in terms of weird shit happening when they play in that ballpark.

Last time out on Hella Mega, Mike basically passed out from heat exhaustion during Jesus of Suburbia and never came out for the end of Good Riddance.

4 hours ago, AlissaGoesRAWR said:

You’re right — this never would have happened in Cleveland! :mad:

… still so butthurt we didn’t get a Cleveland-themed patch, and the Cincy one was kind of lame. Poor Ohio. :(  We were just left with some random “hey Ohio friends” shout outs during the Pittsburgh show.

“But at least we’re not Detroit!”

Cleveland would never! Plus the "Unofficial Green Day Museum" is located right in Lakewood in my media room! They need to visit!

And, yeah...having to buy a Cincy and Pitt patch as a Clevelander was torture. Had I bought the Detroit one I might have spontaneously combusted.

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