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2 hours ago, Westerberg89 said:

Let’s call it for what it is, a bunch on Nazis whose sole aim is the eradication of the Jews and Israel. Anyway, can’t wait for the new record.

I can’t tell if you’re speaking about Palestine or Hamas but I hope you’d only say that about the latter. 

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1 minute ago, GDFan2019 said:


To be fair, we don’t know that for sure just yet. For all we know, they probably just added to what they originally had

Just hope they didn't add handclaps,  allow Mr cool's drums to breathe 

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On 10/12/2023 at 2:00 PM, Sanity Loan said:

I'm sure the guys and everyone involved with the making of the album are so happy promotion has finally started. The album has been done for quite a while and has been just sitting there.

Any insight as to why the promotion / release was held off for so long? 🤔🤔

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I just heard one more time the teaser today and then jump into OEB and I DON’T KNOW GUYS BUUUT 👀👀

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33 minutes ago, fireballmx said:

Any insight as to why the promotion / release was held off for so long? 🤔🤔

My guess  the guys just wanted a little more time to get mentally prepared for another album launch, promotion, merch, tour, etc... 

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9 hours ago, Verycool99 said:

I can’t tell if you’re speaking about Palestine or Hamas but I hope you’d only say that about the latter. 

The people of Palestine wholeheartedly support Hamas, do some research. They’ve been voted into power overwhelmingly, again and again. 

When I see idiots gesturing their support as ‘free Palestine’, I ask, what does that mean? Because to the majority of Palestinians it means the end of Israel and the death of every Jew living there… So you support Nazism? … 🤷🏻‍♂️🙃

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1 hour ago, MillenniumFan said:

Not gonna happen, but god how I want to hear 21st Century Breakdown (the song) live again. 

It's a shame, because I have a gut feeling it might fit in quite well with the next album and tour, thematically. 


While interesting, please move this discussion to a different thread. Also, on a side note: don't just assume what other GDC members' beliefs are in bad faith . Your beliefs are your own and that's it. A big part of why there is violent conflict in this world, besides genuine grievances, is because of people jumping to conclusion about what "the other side" thinks, believes or "really" wants. When people sit down and talk, they tend to discover that they were not in fact capable of reading thoughts (surprise surprise) and that it may not be what they thought. To give you an example: you might think, based on what I just wrote that I disagree with your stance, but I don't, actually. 

Totally understand, however I have studied this conflict for many of years and it’s very easy for people to get swept up in what seems ‘the right side’ and tagging along with that to also be seen as the good guy.

For Israelis, they’re happy to live side by side, as two states, but it’s hard when the other state wants you eradicated off the face of the earth. When babies are being beheaded for being Jewish, there’s no going back from that.

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25 minutes ago, Westerberg89 said:

Totally understand, however I have studied this conflict for many of years and it’s very easy for people to get swept up in what seems ‘the right side’ and tagging along with that to also be seen as the good guy.

For Israelis, they’re happy to live side by side, as two states, but it’s hard when the other state wants you eradicated off the face of the earth. When babies are being beheaded for being Jewish, there’s no going back from that.

No babies were beheaded. 

Happy to discuss this in another thread but why did Hamas attack Israel in the first place ?


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2 hours ago, Westerberg89 said:

The people of Palestine wholeheartedly support Hamas, do some research. They’ve been voted into power overwhelmingly, again and again. 

When I see idiots gesturing their support as ‘free Palestine’, I ask, what does that mean? Because to the majority of Palestinians it means the end of Israel and the death of every Jew living there… So you support Nazism? … 🤷🏻‍♂️🙃

The last legislative election in Palestine which was in 2006 only had Hamas winning by 3% of the vote. I'm not going to pretend I know what's going on over there today but that doesn't seem like overwhelming support (or functional democracy since the last election was over 15 years ago). And even if there is overwhelming support for Hamas from the Palestinian people, that doesn't mean the Palestine people & Hamas can be seen as equivalent. Let's not pretend that the violence is completely one-sided while the other side is completely in the right.

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1 minute ago, cav9mm said:

No babies were beheaded. 

Happy to discuss this in another thread but why did Hamas attack Israel in the first place ?


Because they want the end of Israel, that's well documented. And they want to 'exterminate' the jews. They did behead babies, there's been a massive media blackout on this because of how distressing it is and how abhorrent it was. IDF soldiers found the babies, somewhere on the deep dark web the photos / evidence will be floating around, but these haven't been published worldwide because, rightfully, people don't want to see it, let alone acknowledge it happening. I can guarantee i'm a lot more studied in this than you are. So just for you, i'll do a run down of some facts.

Judaism is one of the oldest religions on the planet, Israel as we now know it, is where the jews lived, there's debates as to what the country was called back 1000s of years ago, some say it was called Palestine, some have other ideas. Either way, the jews have always been there. Once Islam came along, the arabs started a violent siege, westwards, Israel being one of the first places to come under the siege, where the arabs / muslims at the time, wanted to eradicate any non-believers standing in their way. This is one of the earliest documented times, of the conflict starting. If you look up the history of the Ottoman Empire, you will see and learn about this and how far back the pursuit of 'exterminating non-believers' goes. So there's been conflict between the jews & muslims for 1000s of years, mainly the jews just wanting to live & the muslims not allowing that. (It's in the Koran, there's no debating that there's a negative look at jews in the 'holy book'. Something a lot of people choose to ignore).

Fast forward to WW2 where millions of jews were killed & displaced, the UN came to an agreement that any displaced jews would be resettled in Israel. Israel has always been the holy land of the jews, hence Jerusalem. The same as the muslims having mecca. The only people to push back against these jews coming to Israel were the arabs, who have voted against peaceful resolutions put forward by the UN, every time. So there's always been an underlying theme of dislike & hatred towards the jews from the arab / muslim communities... Anyway, this has gone on and on and on, the difference is, it started to get to the point where Israel had to fight back & because Israel is backed by the 'West', it has much stronger military capabilities. People will show you stats of the death tolls of palestinians compared to the Israelis. Israel has the iron dome, which is an anti-missile defence system, which shoots down a large portion of rockets that get fired over the border, obviously with the aim of killing israelis / jews. So after a few times of this happening, Israel fight back, but their rockets are much more successful at hitting its targets. 

What hamas has done is created a huge underground tunnel network, they operate from schools, hospitals, residential streets, etc etc. Usually hamas fires rockets from these places, when Israel responds, they send out a warning, letting civilians know, to leave said hospitals, schools, etc, but the palestinians don't want to leave, these people then get killed & it's more propaganda for hamas & other arabs to say 'look at how bad israel is, look at how bad the west is'.

Another thing to note, the palestinians vote for Hamas, who aren't shy in their political mantra of wanting the extermination of jews & the end of Israel, period. I'd like to think that there are palestinian people who aren't in favour of hamas, but we'll never truly know.

As for Israel, MANY arabs live in Israel, it's also the safest place in the middle east for gay people. You can be gay there without fear of having your head chopped off. It has one of the most liberal supreme courts in the world. There's freedom of press, equality for women... The list goes on. 

The idea of a one state solution is such a lazy and stupid notion. Why should Israelis relinquish a democracy that is capable of putting a former prime minister in jail for corruption ? Why should they allow people who support sharia law to have jurisdiction over one of the most liberal supreme court's in the world ? Why should Tel Aviv, one of the most gay friendly cities on earth be subjected to moral standards of the 7th century ?

Their cultures are polar opposite that there can never be a one state solution.

So remember when you're trying to look cool on social media & virtue signalling so that you get scene points. One side wants the extermination of jews & it will do so by any means necessary, the other just wants to live like you and I do, for the most part, able to express ourselves & chase our dreams & be whoever the fuck that we want to be. 

The one side hosts music festivals where you can dress however you feel that you want to, where you can dance with your friends, sing & laugh until the sun comes up, the other doesn't want that. 

I know which side i'm on.... x PEACE

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31 minutes ago, cav9mm said:

No babies were beheaded. 

Several dozens babies and toddlers were beheaded. Some of it Hamas did on camera. You cannot lie your way around it, there is way too much evidence 



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1 minute ago, Juliajk said:


People will only see / hear what they want to see / hear. When i see people from the west shouting 'liberate palestine', i'd like to think they mean liberate it from Hamas, but they don't honestly know what they're supporting when throwing these slogans around, because in palestine & the islamic world, what that means is, the end of Israel... With ending Israel, comes the eradication of its population, the jews.... Choose your side. But remember, this is Nazism, but we're too scared to call it that because of the religion. Nazism is what we fought hard to end in WW2 & we're still fighting against today. We're quick to call it out when it's white skinned radicals of our own nationality, but we're scared to do it when it's other communities.

I hate war, I want nothing but peace & love for everybody. But there's a dark cloud over that religion & has been for a while & bloodshed seems to follow it.

Morrissey has a song called Israel, it's deep & dark but it hits hard. 

And should you dare, enjoy your body
Here tolls Hades welcome bell

In other climes they bitch and whine
Just because you're not like them 

The sky is dark
For many others
They want it dark 
For you as well

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2 hours ago, MillenniumFan said:

Not gonna happen, but god how I want to hear 21st Century Breakdown (the song) live again. 

It's a shame, because I have a gut feeling it might fit in quite well with the next album and tour, thematically. 


While interesting, please move this discussion to a different thread. Also, on a side note: don't just assume what other GDC members' beliefs are in bad faith . Your beliefs are your own and that's it. A big part of why there is violent conflict in this world, besides genuine grievances, is because of people jumping to conclusion about what "the other side" thinks, believes or "really" wants. When people sit down and talk, they tend to discover that they were not in fact capable of reading thoughts (surprise surprise) and that it may not be what they thought. To give you an example: you might think, based on what I just wrote that I disagree with your stance, but I don't, actually. 

IIRC the last time they intended to play 21CB live was 10 years ago at Dreamforce. We all know that things got a bit messy at this show. 🌧️

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21 minutes ago, Westerberg89 said:

People will only see / hear what they want to see / hear. When i see people from the west shouting 'liberate palestine', i'd like to think they mean liberate it from Hamas, but they don't honestly know what they're supporting when throwing these slogans around, because in palestine & the islamic world, what that means is, the end of Israel... With ending Israel, comes the eradication of its population, the jews.... Choose your side. But remember, this is Nazism, but we're too scared to call it that because of the religion. Nazism is what we fought hard to end in WW2 & we're still fighting against today. We're quick to call it out when it's white skinned radicals of our own nationality, but we're scared to do it when it's other communities.

I hate war, I want nothing but peace & love for everybody. But there's a dark cloud over that religion & has been for a while & bloodshed seems to follow it.

Morrissey has a song called Israel, it's deep & dark but it hits hard. 

And should you dare, enjoy your body
Here tolls Hades welcome bell

In other climes they bitch and whine
Just because you're not like them 

The sky is dark
For many others
They want it dark 
For you as well

dude youre gonna get banned. Dont banter about your beliefs in here. I don't care much about jewish and palestinian terrorists. There are special websites for people like you who talk a lot but don't do much. You can share your thoughts there. 

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38 minutes ago, Westerberg89 said:

People will only see / hear what they want to see / hear. When i see people from the west shouting 'liberate palestine', i'd like to think they mean liberate it from Hamas, but they don't honestly know what they're supporting when throwing these slogans around, because in palestine & the islamic world, what that means is, the end of Israel... With ending Israel, comes the eradication of its population, the jews.... Choose your side. But remember, this is Nazism, but we're too scared to call it that because of the religion. Nazism is what we fought hard to end in WW2 & we're still fighting against today. We're quick to call it out when it's white skinned radicals of our own nationality, but we're scared to do it when it's other communities.

I hate war, I want nothing but peace & love for everybody. But there's a dark cloud over that religion & has been for a while & bloodshed seems to follow it.

Morrissey has a song called Israel, it's deep & dark but it hits hard. 

Why do you need to take a side. I personally sympathize with all the citizens on both sides who are in this situation because Hamas and Israel keep fighting. Idk what the issue is with freeing Palestine from Israeli occupation though. If the Palestinian people are as awful as you say they are, why does Israel even want them and their land? How is freeing them from Israel's rule going to result in the ending of Israel or the eradication of the Jews?

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27 minutes ago, Macys said:

dude youre gonna get banned. Dont banter about your beliefs in here. I don't care much about jewish and palestinian terrorists. There are special websites for people like you who talk a lot but don't do much. You can share your thoughts there. 

Don't do much? I don't get what you mean, the above is a brief history for people to help understand the situation. Not about bantering beliefs. Take it easy. x

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....anyway.    I dreamed about GDC last night.  This is on topic because American Dreams are hurting Billie, he and I both woke up and while are a bit jumbled, I am fairly certain it was this thread.    And then reality is weirder than my Dude-dreams. (I redacted a question about what is going on above because a character from Game of Thrones might warn me for simply asking about a political debate, 😄)

I have always wanted and speculated a music video where Billie is attached to a spinning wheel and someone is throwing knifes at him.   Maybe with some Idiot slimes spraying out of the wheel.  Could this be the era one of ideas comes true?   Also, I can't keep up with all my tracklists so I don't know if I ever got one right.  

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7 minutes ago, GDFan2019 said:

Let’s stay on topic guys!!!! Just one week to go from Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes and maybe we get more inforomation during their shows this week 😊

But hope no recordings for American Dream will be released before tuesday. I just want the whole experience on tuesday with you with studio quality. Interesting which songs they will play. I‘m sure they change the Hella Mega Setlist

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Just now, Insomniac90 said:

Yes and maybe we get more inforomation during their shows this week 😊

But hope no recordings for American Dream will be released before tuesday. I just want the whole experience on tuesday with you with studio quality. Interesting which songs they will play. I‘m sure they change the Hella Mega Setlist

Change? Setlist?  That would be the biggest shake up of all time!   I hope they cover either the Skids or the The Network.    Imagine a Popper Punk / The Saints are Coming medley instead of KISS.

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