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  2. suffoKate

    Random Green Day News

    And in the style of garbage pail kids? This will be huge for me! Hopefully they’ll bring back Barfin’ Billie 💚
  3. GDFan2019

    New single - Dilemma - Out December 7th

    Dilemma is number 1 on 2 charts!!!! https://www.instagram.com/stories/billiejoearmstrong/3357976601512677205?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=Z2FqNHBzaXU5aXJ3
  4. solongfromthestars

    "American Idiot" Musical Tour

    GDA review of the HMTC production https://www.greendayauthority.com/news/6158/ What a show!
  5. solongfromthestars

    Green Day On This Day

    On this day 22 years ago (1 May 2002), Green Day played in Tacoma, WA, on the Pop Disaster Tour. 26 years ago (1 May 1998), they played in Corpus Christi, TX on the Nimrod Tour. 30 years ago (1 May 1994), they played in Kontich, Belgium on the Dookie Tour. 31 years ago (1 May 1993), they played in Zaragoza, Spain.
  6. Rumpelstiltskin2000

    Green Day Instagram Photos

    From Billie's Instagram story (Mike also posted it)
  7. Rumpelstiltskin2000

    05 - Dilemma - Song Discussion

    From Billie's Instagram story (Mike also posted it)
  8. billy1986

    05 - Dilemma - Song Discussion

    Goodnight Adeline and Suzie Chapsticks sound like summer songs to me maybe even Coma City
  9. Yesterday
  10. solongfromthestars

    Green Day On This Day

    On this day 7 years ago (30 April 2017), Green Day played in Perth, Australia on the RevRad Tour. More photos: 19 years ago (30 April 2005), the American Idiot Tour came to Amherst, MA. Photo from SmalltownLibraries on Reddit. Credit if reposting. And finally for this month, 26 years ago (30 April 1998) Green Day played Houston, TX on the Nimrod Tour. I combined all of this month's "on this day" Instagram stories into a GDA article. There are some things that haven't been posted yet because I started halfway through April, so it's worth having a look if you're enjoying the Instagram stories. https://www.greendayauthority.com/news/6157/ Also made a reel of them. It goes into a void when I try to post it on Instagram, but it's on the GDA Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/reel/812985026831751
  11. GreenDayJunkie86

    05 - Dilemma - Song Discussion

    I can see this happening, not just with all of the pride stuff, it is also a great summer song. In general.
  12. Montclare

    05 - Dilemma - Song Discussion

    Correct. And downloading/buying. I could see Bobby Sox coming back for the summer. I could see it being a Pride thing. It did briefly chart when the album came out, but wasn't pushed then.
  13. Rumpelstiltskin2000

    Billie Joe Armstrong Photos

    Random Billie pics
  14. billy1986

    05 - Dilemma - Song Discussion

    If it’s #1 across the board how is it only #38 on the hot rock/alternative charts??
  15. Zebahar

    05 - Dilemma - Song Discussion

    While I enjoy both songs, I think the only remaining song that could be a single is 1981. However, I don’t think we can expect any songs from Saviors getting the single treatment at this point
  16. Alf

    Random Green Day News

    I never get seat tickets in my whole life and I am not rich, I don't think its a fair assumption to think every persong who go buy pit/premium tickets are rich, you know crazy fans do what they need to do to see the bands they love. Prices got really crazy in the last few years
  17. JardyOfSuburbia

    Random Green Day News

    Uhhh, Topps are making Green Day cards? YES.
  18. pacejunkie punk

    Random Green Day News

    Premium tickets and front row have always been a thing only the wealthier could afford, even when tickets were cheaper. I remember as a kid we would buy seats in the rafters or back of an arena to get them cheaply, we couldn’t ever afford seats down front. I agree that Ticketmaster “fees” and bots are bullshit but most small to medium bands are either losing money or breaking even with the cost of touring today, it affects everyone. For a while it was the revenue stream that replaced album sales but now it doesn’t even do that. It’s an industry wide problem. Everyone down the line has raised their costs from the fuel to the venue to the hotels and food. Only the biggest acts can still make money but the costs of stadium tours is astronomical. Luckily Green Day has the money to even do it.
  19. Montclare

    05 - Dilemma - Song Discussion

    New peak of 38 on the Hot Rock and Alternative chart.
  20. Alf

    Random Green Day News

    Yeah, i know there are a lot of costs involved, a lot o people that must be payed from the revenue, but it's getting harded to pay concert tickets sometimes. From a brazilian perspective, we got shows here that costs literally over a minimum wage to get acess to premium tickets and to get a 'front row'. I can't accept this as a normal thing
  21. DM me if you have any questions, I can help you with structuring a simple story or edit what you have. Go to a bookstore and see some examples in your chosen age range Or you can reach out to this person and ask if they’d make a custom Green Day book hecreative.com (link isn’t copying)
  22. pacejunkie punk

    Random Green Day News

    With the costs of touring today, they may not be able to lower it by much. And Green Day brings along three other bands to give the audience more value for their money and they all have to be paid. I would love to see the actual expense sheet of a single stadium show to see where all the revenue goes but I know literally hundreds of people and companies get paid out of that ticket money.
  23. Reddit took off... I'm so glad that people can come together over a simple idea.. Green Day would kick ASS as a childrens book. Your idea was perfect also, to do a book on each era and show the friendship. This is gonna be a lot of research and I feel so lost. But as a HUGE Green Day fan since 9 years old with nothing but time and YouTube videos of the boys I think I got this, hopefully...
  24. Looks like you’re getting a lot of good feedback on reddit and a few artist volunteers. Show us when it’s done
  25. Alf

    Random Green Day News

    cool action, but I just don't think resellers are the only problem. The band should also care for the high priced tickets their concerts have from the start
  26. solongfromthestars

    Green Day Instagram Photos

    Billie reposted one of GDA's throwbacks
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