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ThrowbackThursday: Green Day Rhapsody commercial


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This might be my favorite #ThrowbackThursday post that we've done thus far here on GDA. This week's feature is Green Day's 2009 Rhapsody commercial for 21st Century Breakdown which includes over fifty Green Day references.

Were you able to catch them all?
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At risk of sounding like the worst fan ever, why does Jesus have a lawnmower?

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I love this commercial, and the Green Day references are amazing!!! :runaround::wub:

At risk of sounding like the worst fan ever, why does Jesus have a lawnmower?

Jesus Of Suburbia....

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At risk of sounding like the worst fan ever, why does Jesus have a lawnmower?

Jesus of Suburbia reference, methinks :)

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Anyone else noticed the ashtray and candy hearts? Cigarettes and Valentines haha

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the clock on the wall says 10:39 I never noticed that one

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I think Jesus watching TV or snorting coke or something would have been better, you know, for clarity's sake, but the lawnmower works too.

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Ahhh right, this one :D One of the funnest and most clever Green Day promotion things I've seen.

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Let's see:

- Fashion Victim card at the start.
- Horseshoes and Handgrenades on the table
- Ashtray and sugar hearts: Cigarettes and Valentines.
- Girl with Kerplunk flower on her shirt
- People covered in mud: Woodstock.
- Nimrod guy at the door
- 86 as the door number
- Pasalacqua on the sign
- The guy is Hitchin' a Ride
- The word "Haushinka" on the poster
- The same poster also says "One for the razorbacks"
- "Warning" on the pole at the left
- Gloria on the stairs
- Someone tuning Blue
- The big "80"
- Jesus is Jesus of Suburbia
- Paper Lanterns
- Dog in the beginning is the Dookie dog

And after reading some youtube comments:
- Clock in the beginning is the 39/smooth disc
- Mask from the Basket case vid
- The calendar is at September
- 409 in your coffeemaker
- Foxboro songs in the pizza box
- Clock says 10:39

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Whoever made this ad is a genius!

I would have loved to be in on that production meeting where they were just throwing out random Green Day references.
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Why is the coffee blue??

Because it has Formula 409 cleaning fluid in it (409 In Your Coffeemaker) :thumbsup:

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Because it has Formula 409 cleaning fluid in it (409 In Your Coffeemaker) :thumbsup:

Omg :lol: Thank you!

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Let's see:

. . . .

Don't forget the girl with the "Hello my name is" signs. :woot: that's a reference to Whatsername!

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oh nice I remember this ad

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I found this in an old thread, where they were discussing the references. :happy:

Okay I know it says there are 51, I've found 46:

1. Dookie dog on the TV at 1 sec

2. Calendar on the wall says September (Wake Me Up..) at 1 sec

3. Clock on the wall is at 10.39pm. 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours at 1 sec.

4. Sticker on wall says Fashion Victim at 1 sec.

5. Jars on the table are a reference to JAR (Jason Andrew Revla) at 1 sec.

6.Handgrenades on table reference "holding on my heart like a handgrenade" and AI cover at 3 secs.

7. Coffee machine with blue liquid on table, 409 (cleaning liquid) in Your Coffee Maker, at 3 secs.

8. Mouthwash says Geek on the label, Geek Stink Breath, at 3 secs.

9. Black sticker says ten percent more free, Macy's Day Parade lyrics, at 3 secs.

10. Foxboro Hot Tubs songs on paper in the pizza box, at 4 secs.

11. F.O.D. sticker on the wall, at 4 secs

12. Sticker on the wall with Cool written 3 times, suggests Tré (very) Cool

13. The girl with the microphone and headphones is a real life version of the girl on Kerplunk album cover, at 5 secs.

14. Muddy people running is from the infamous Woodstock mudfight, at 9 secs.

15. Guy closing the door has the yellow circle from the Nimrod album cover, at 10 secs.

16. The number on the door being shut is 86, referencing the meaning of the song 86, at 10 secs.

17. Hobo holding "Pasalacqua or bust" sign, Going To Pasalacqua, at 12 secs.

18. The hobo is also holding out his thumb, Hitchin a Ride, at 12 secs.

19. Girl with lots of nametags on her top, Whatsername, at 12 secs.

20. Poster says Rodeo, where Mike and Billie grew up, at 12 secs.

21. Poster says Haushinka in the bottom left corner, at 12 secs.

22. Poster includes the logo "have the time of your life", good riddance, at 12 secs.

23. Poster also says the event is "One For The Razorbacks" at 12 secs.

24. AGF#FE are chords from Brain Stew at 13 secs.

25. Man wearing a mask from the Basket Case video, at 13 secs.

26. Multiple Warning signs, at 13 secs.

27. Man on TV wearing Dunce cap, about American Idiot, Reject, Jackass and I Wanna Be On TV, at 14 secs.

28. Lights going down the stairs could suggest Deadbeat Holiday lyrics about christmas lights, at 14 secs.

29. Stairs say Long Live Gloria, or in Spanish, !Viva la Gloria!, at 14 secs.

30. The band walk past a guy tuning "Blue", Billie's famous first guitar, at 17 secs.

31. The large prop 80, obviously referencing the song 80, at 18 secs.

32. The 80 prop is also painted with Billie's tattoos, at 18 secs.

33. Crate to the right of the one being pushed by a guy has BILLIE printed on it, at 18 secs.

34. Jesus of Suburbia is mowing the lawn, at 20 secs.

35. There are Paper Lanterns on shelves at 20 secs.

36. In the beginning Tré is tapping his drumsticks to the rhythm of the intro to American Idiot, at 4 secs.

37. The object on top of the TV is a toy replica of their bookmobile tour bus, at 3 secs.

38. Speed or "Dry Ice" can be seen on the table in the beginning, at 4 secs.

39. The hood ornament for the car in Holiday/BOBD is in the pizza box at 1 sec.

40. Fence behind JOS is the same fence as in the video to Walking Contradiction, at 20 secs.

41. The numbers on the clock are weird and hazy, referencing the lyrics to Brain Stew, at 1 sec.

42. The theme of the Rodeo poster is a "Homecoming", at 12 secs.

43. Walking onstage at the end, the band "See The Light"

44. Another sticker on the wall at the beginning says "Desensitized", at 4 secs.

45. The paper in the pizza box is also a clever reference to "Words I Might Have Ate", at 3 secs.

46. Yellow sticker on the wall at the start states "Dominated Love Slave", at 2 secs.

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I remember thinking how awesome this was back when it came out. Im awful at looking for the references though ;)

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I loved this ad! It was so fun to watch all the stuff. It would've been impossible if we didn't have YouTube/DVRs/a way to record it. Imagine just watching it live and trying to spot all the references without pausing. :lol:

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i saw this about a year ago! never knew they even made this back in '09!

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