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Green Day Lyrics Vs. Music


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Lyrics, most definitely. I think it's ignorant to like a song just cause it's catchy or something. That's how most of this generation is with pop music. If they like the tune, they love the song, but they don't even listen to the lyrics half of the time.

Green Day's lyrics are some of the most powerful and profound to come along and a while. I owe them my life. They've helped me cope in tough times.

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if you say the music you're not a real Green Day fan!!

That's a shit what you just wrote :/ Music is as much important as lyrics. If you don't give a shit to music then why don't you listen to hip hop? There's no music in it and lyrics are often pretty good. And how about people who don't know English, can't they be real fans of some band if they don't know what they are singing? That's stupid.

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i'd have to say music, lyrics are great but if they're backed up by crappy music than what's the point? it wont sound good

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The first song I've ever heard was "Basket Case". Lyrics amazed me. Music too. The first impression counts the most... Now I have songs that I like for words, and the other ones that I like for music, but usually it's such a great combination of these two things :)

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When I listen to their music I think I pay more attention to the lyrics than to the actual music behind it. It takes both for the song to work, but I think lyrically their songs are stronger.

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Music. By far. I never really think about the lyrics until I've started to love the song. Although sometimes their lyrics just capture my interest or are related to how I'm feeling etc and it makes me like the song even more.

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can't really decide.

the lyrics are good, well written.

then the music, they're great musicians and it's put together well.

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The lyrics. Definitely.

Do you realize that you said exactly what I just said? :rolleyes:

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Do you realize that you said exactly what I just said? :rolleyes:

No. I spelt definitely right.

And it was structered differently. So there.

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*goes & looks up "defina(i?)tely" on dictionary.com*


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Lyrics, overall, because that is just what I can relate to more, and if someone has intelligent lyrics, or at least thought provoking, I tend to like it more than "Ima get get get get you drunk get you love drunk off my humps"

I don't need a catchy beat to attract me to music, but it helps.

I would also have to say that both music and lyrics matter more to me than vocal ability. If someone can sing, whoohoo for them, but it really doesn't matter as long as they have good lyrics and an at least fair beat.

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this should be a poll! i wanna see the stats... and im too lazy to look at all the results.

but it's the lyrics that do it for me. there are PLENTY of songs that have good music behind their lyrics, but if the lyrics are stupid or offensive or whatever i dont like the song. like fergie's london bridge song! i like the music and all that, but her song's lyrics are ALL vapid and self absorbed. jesus.

and i like plenty of bands whose music is simple and not necessarily original but their lyrics are different. that's what matters to me.

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When I listen to a song - any song - for a first time, I pay attention to the music. If I think I like it I look at the lyrics more faithfully. So let's say lyrics mean to me a lot like the music too. Lyrics are a half of the song and the music is a half of the song. I think they're both important as well.

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um..well both right?

each song is different I guess. Some songs I love the music more and others I like the lyrics more

I dunno...Green Day have the ability to match lyrics and music together so that it all fits together and is an overall amazing song. it's rare for them to have better music than lyrics..vice versa

thats just my opinion

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When I listen to a song - any song - for a first time, I pay attention to the music. If I think I like it I look at the lyrics more faithfully. So let's say lyrics mean to me a lot like the music too. Lyrics are a half of the song and the music is a half of the song. I think they're both important as well.

i am the same, i started liking GD music at first, then later really started to listen to the lyrics and loved billie joe writing skills, i love GD music and lyrics even more now

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Lyrics. If I hear a song that is the best song I have ever heard in my entire life but the lyrics suck ass, I will probably not listen to it.

Green Day, I think some of their lyrics are underrated and some are quite overrated. 1039 SOSH lyrics are just a bunch of love song bullshits. Kerplunk shows that they progressed quite well lyrically in is a bit more thought provoking. Dookie, not the most memorable, but good. Insomniac I think is a bit underrated, its lyrics full of anger and frustration. Nimrods mediocre. Warnings awesome. AI is also really good. But what I'm getting at is that Green Day's songwriting skills are slightly overrated compared to some bands who's slightly less about the music and more about lyrics and having substance (therefore rendered less popular, which I find quite sad). just my 2 cents.

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