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Weirdest place you've heard a green day song being played?


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At Epcot...in that place where they have different sodas from around the world (which is sponsored by Coca-Cola), they were playing "When I Come Around"

Edited by GoodRiddance107
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At school on the football field. A bunch of Japanese exchange students were there for the day, so everyone taking Japanese had to do stuff like three-legged races with them. There was a DJ there, and I requested any Green Day song he had. He played us Minority, and no one seemed to notice that it was unedited. He also played the song Turning Japanese. None of the teachers seemed to get what it was about. :shifty:

That was a good day.

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Last night I heard American Idiot in Friday's. Me and my brother and his friend started singing along, and all the teenie kids were looking at us weird. :blink: But oh, how I enjoyed annoying them!! :shifty:

What a coincedence.... last night me and my friends were blasting American Idiot out of my car in the Friday's parking lot :D

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What a coincedence.... last night me and my friends were blasting American Idiot out of my car in the Friday's parking lot :D

Have you people no shame? It's people like you that make me die a little inside.

I love Green Day, but American Idiot has not reached blasting-out-of-window status yet. Wait a few years until it has been certified a classic, or at least they're not the most overplayed rock band on the planet.

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one night i went to the diner at my school and they played green day songs the entire night. Very weird, but very awesome

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one night i went to the diner at my school and they played green day songs the entire night. Very weird, but very awesome

you have a diner at your school?

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on a "bus" (more like a truck) going to Yungay very small, rural town that was swept away by a mountain slide in the 70's, ...anyway, they were playing boulevard of broken dreams...

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in my classroom my teacher turned it on, it was good riddance but they still played the fuck at the beginning

Ok, your username owns. Welcome. :)

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I go swimming with my house every thursday morning and every time at exactly 10.25 they play boulevard of broken dreams...its hard to sing along and swim at the same time but well well worth it...the stafff think i'm a complete basketcase!

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Good Riddance on Crufts last year. (the dog show...it was played over the final with all these slow motion pictures od the dogs....it was weird.)

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Extraordinary Girl in Pacsun

and when I was in Hot Topic I was looking at a St.Jimmy shirt on the wall and then St. Jimmy started playing...it was freaky...but I enjoyed it

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I was walking past JJB Sports (Chavy old sports gear shop) and they were playing WMUWSE really loud. And I heard BOBD on some kind of Seaside Rescue program! :lol::lol:

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-my grandpa was singing good riddance

-my grandpa and grandma said they heard wake me up when september ends in mcdonalds or something

-and i can't remember the others...

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