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"American Idiot" Musical Tour

plaid ducky

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I love it how SOCAL gets two stops! Finally we get some love! :cool:

YEA-yuh! :cool:

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More dates and cities are supposed to be announced right?

I hope they come to Kansas City!

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I don't think there's a chance it will come to upstate NY but I can dream haha, I only got to see it once so I'm hoping!

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In my next easter-holidays, I'll be in CA for 2 weeks.

I mean.. that's my biggest dream.

And now? Exactly at that time, the musical's in LA!

I was freakin' out. And I'm still freakin' out right now!

I'm from Germany :D

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In my next easter-holidays, I'll be in CA for 2 weeks.

I mean.. that's my biggest dream.

And now? Exactly at that time, the musical's in LA!

I was freakin' out. And I'm still freakin' out right now!

I'm from Germany :D

Wow! Now that's luck! If you believe in luck anyways :lol: but that's awesome!!

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In my next easter-holidays, I'll be in CA for 2 weeks.

I mean.. that's my biggest dream.

And now? Exactly at that time, the musical's in LA!

I was freakin' out. And I'm still freakin' out right now!

I'm from Germany :D

I love Germans!!!

We can totally have a meet up!!!

Californians are such bosses. :cool:

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I love Germans!!!

We can totally have a meet up!!!

Californians are such bosses. :cool:

Haha. Yeah, we can!

I'm so fuckin' happy I could cry..

Really. I can't believe it!

Maybe I'll realize it when I'm there. Or maybe not. :D

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Oh man I really hope they do a Homecoming show in Berkeley!!

I might cry from pure joy hah.

If this happens I WILL get myself there!

I hope I will be able to make the LA or Costa Mesa runs, or even both if i could. That would be so awesome, I sure would love if they brought the tour back to the Bay Area where AI all started. Now That would be sweet.

Tony don't you worry with something this big you know they gotta bring it internationally. I wouldn't be surprised if it does hit London at some point.

What an amazing reason to come back to the East Bay! I miss you guys...

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even in the musical tour they won't come to my country it's really sad :cry:


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i reeeeally want them to make a stop in washington DC! they should, i mean its the nations capitol after all

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when are ticket's going on sale? I'm desperate.

Are you talking about for LA? It won't be for a while. It's not going to be there until almost a year from now. They'll probably start selling them in January 2012. Patience, young grasshopper. There isn't even a cast yet.

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Are you talking about for LA? It won't be for a while. It's not going to be there until almost a year from now. They'll probably start selling them in January 2012. Patience, young grasshopper. There isn't even a cast yet.

The season tickets for AI went on sale already and it makes me nervous that it will be sold out.

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The season tickets for AI went on sale already and it makes me nervous that it will be sold out.

I'm a bit nervous, too. 'Cause we still don't know when we're going to go to CA.

Either when the musical is in LA or when it is in Costa Mesa.

We don't know it until autumn and I'm shaking about getting tickets.

Maybe it's not justified.. but well.. me! :pinch:

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I'm a bit nervous, too. 'Cause we still don't know when we're going to go to CA.

Either when the musical is in LA or when it is in Costa Mesa.

We don't know it until autumn and I'm shaking about getting tickets.

Maybe it's not justified.. but well.. me! :pinch:

I'm planning on seeing it both cities since both counties are right next to each other. My mom said that if billie were to do st jimmy (I doubt it) we'd barricade for LA since the theater is a few minutes away from our house, and we'd see the musical in orange county. :P

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I'm planning on seeing it both cities since both counties are right next to each other. My mom said that if billie were to do st jimmy (I doubt it) we'd barricade for LA since the theater is a few minutes away from our house, and we'd see the musical in orange county. :P

Yeah, I would also go to both cities if I were able to. But I'm not.

California is way to far away :D

You really think Billie Joe would be St. Jimmy once again? :happy:

Maybe just in CA, I don't know. Or maybe not. We'll see.

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If you guys could have 1-3 people from the broadway cast be on the tour, realistically (that means no leads), who would you choose?

I'd want Gerard, Alysha and Leslie.

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Late. But yay two locations in so cal. I shall take part in that meet up :D

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So I'm in LA from the 21st Mar - 27th Mar... meet up any time around then?!?! Lol... I can't wait to finally see this musical!!

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If you guys could have 1-3 people from the broadway cast be on the tour, realistically (that means no leads), who would you choose?

I'd want Gerard, Alysha and Leslie.

them and Declan and Miguel

I want to see Declan do the She's a Rebel dance again D':

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