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The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread


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25 minutes ago, Schlappy said:

What is an example of something deemed not “welcome”. Spam isnt a good descriptor

Do you know how painful it is to try to describe exactly what fangirling is and what spam is etc? :P Like, posts that aren't on the subject of fangirling are the posts that aren't welcome :lol:. Fangirling has a loose definition so we've always allowed a wide range of types of posts that could be considered on topic. But if you have something to say about the band that isn't fangirly it doesn't need to automatically be brought up here if it's already being discussed somewhere else or there's a more relevant thread for it. If you want a place to post every good GD picture you want to share, rather than post one because it's particularly worthy of fangirl discussion or to illustrate a point, you can use the picture threads. If a back and forth between a couple of people that doesn't involve GD goes on too long or happens too often it becomes spam/unwelcome. Ditto if someone's posting silliness just to keep the thread going instead of waiting until they actually have something to fangirl about. Some occasional off topic convo is alright in most threads, but when there's already millions of legit fangirl post being made and it keeps happening more and more often it starts to make the thread horrible to read. Does that cover it?

Like I said it's kind of painful to explain all this. Basically the old thread became impossible to follow because of the amount of posts that were things other than worthwhile fangirling posts, doesn't seem like rocket science. 

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I am not sure where this entitlement has recently come from, but the reaction to asking this thread to not be your personal spam thread is becoming ridiculous. 

We have at no point said you can not have a conversation in this thread.  We are only asking that you keep the conversation on topic and not treat the thread like your personal spam thread.  Is it really so complicated to ask you to not use this thread for every conversation regarding the band when it is not actually fangirling. Nor have we said you can't post photos here.  Simply asked that when posting a photo it is used to  illustrate a fangirling point/ confession you are sharing, and not just just post a photo for the sake of posting a photo. Seriously you have spent 5 pages spamming, about this rather than actually fangirling.

We understand there is a lot of grey area when it comes to fangirling and this thread has evolved since it was first created.  We are not asking you to stop fangirling, we are asking you to work with us as we figure out what is and is not on topic in this thread, to listen to us when we say to stop,  to take it to another thread or to take it to a PM and allow those notices become a more solid guideline for what is and is not allowed.

I love this thread and would hate to see it go, but if you can not even work with us then sadly it will be closed.

That is the last point to be made regarding the "guidelines" for the thread.  If you wish to discuss this further or have any questions or concerns feel free to PM Hermione or myself.  Now back to fangirling!


48 minutes ago, Billie Joe Armstrong said:

2. We got of a lot of complaints for talking in the BJA thread and in the end we were asked to stop. It will happen again. That, I can tell you :P The idea that pictures should go to the picture thread is good, but it doesn't work. It always gets out of hand.

When exactly?  I've gone back a year in that thread and have seen nothing from a mod complaining.  

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49 minutes ago, Hermione said:

Like I said it's kind of painful to explain all this. Basically the old thread became impossible to follow because of the amount of posts that were things other than worthwhile fangirling posts, doesn't seem like rocket science. 

I dont think asking for an explanation of what you mean is so outlandish as to imply that im stupid for not understanding. Besides one mans spam is another mans treasure...

Okay then, Ill try to stay in the rules

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5 hours ago, Schlappy said:

I dont think asking for an explanation of what you mean is so outlandish as to imply that im stupid for not understanding. Besides one mans spam is another mans treasure...

Okay then, Ill try to stay in the rules

I'm really not trying to, it's just frustrating when it feels like I keep trying to explain the same thing. Like Bum said there's grey area when it comes to exactly what is fangirling, if we try to define/enforce it exactly it'll just mean what's allowed in the thread is really restricted and we don't want that. We'd rather people just be a bit more sensible and not post if they know it's not fangirling or if they know it's something they're only posting to keep the thread going without a break even when they don't really have anything to fangirl about (eg a repeat of a convo in another thread that doesn't have a fangirling angle/5 pictures that you think are nice but you don't particularly have anything to say about and that aren't to illustrate something you're discussing or want to discuss/a convo or a silly back and forth of jokes that straight up have no relation to fangirling or GD). I understand that sometimes thing veer slightly off topic, but put it this way there were 3,264 posts in 2016, and 10,507 in 2017 just so far. So all we want to do is make sure the thread is followable, with worthwhile on topic posts that aren't knowingly off topic/spam. 

If anyone wants to carry on this discussion or ask me anything feel free to PM me. On with fangirling here.

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2 minutes ago, MillenniumFan said:

Dann, I‘m really back in fangirl mode again!

Great to see you here! :ga: The pics from the Rio show on this foreverly account are gorgeous. HOW the hell can he look so young?

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7 minutes ago, Thatsername said:

Great to see you here! :ga: The pics from the Rio show on this foreverly account are gorgeous. HOW the hell can he look so young?

Yeah, that freaks me out too. I just found a pic of him taking a selfie with some fans which judging by the haircut must be new and he looks very young in it. It's in the Green Day fan photos thread and it's just :runaround:

How is it even possible? :wub:

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5 minutes ago, Scattered Wreck said:

Agreed!!!!! I have always had bad teeth and have had alot of work done. I know how uncomfortable it is to have a chipped tooth or any mouth issues. He just looks so happy with them!!!

Everytime I see his new haircut I love it more and more. It just really looks so great on him. The only thing that would make it better is if the tips were blonde.

I agree. He should go blonde on the tips.

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I think this current hairstyle is in Billies top 3. In no particular order:

:wub: The current hairstyle

:wub: The American Idiot era style

:wub: The Geezer premiere blond style 


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I love the shorter hair, I think it makes him look younger (it’s why I wear mine short lol), he looks so good, they all do.  I would like to see a better pic of the teeth to see if he’s had more work done, I think someone said a few months ago that it looked like he had some temporary work.

Mike looks great, poor Mikes was left out when Billie was messing with Tre, who has amazing calf muscles and have you see his ass!  I see Mike got the final strum too :D

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23 hours ago, pacejunkie punk said:

ETA: Ooh found the whole clip! He grabs Mikes too!

22 hours ago, gaslight13 said:

Curse the person whose hands obstructed our view of him grabbing Mike, haha. Did he kiss the side of his face there too?

Here's a better view of it: :lol:

Also, I love how Tre is hugging Billie's shoulder.:wub::wub::wub: They're so CUTE!:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

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