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Found 2 results

  1. Dos, the second album of the Uno! Dos! Tre! (no, not tres) trilogy. I've seen this album get a lot of hate for no reason, or people label it as the least popular album. Sure, there's better albums, (OPINION!!) But I don't think its a necessarily 'bad' album. the song 'f*ck time' is..... catchy.. and I know for a fact the BJA stans appreciate that one ;-). Any thoughts? I like to know!
  2. With the recent festivals GD has been at, they've been pulling out all sorts of songs from their old catalog that didn't make the official Saviors Tour setlist cut. 21 Guns appears to be a pretty much permanent fixture, especially in festivals in spots like Thailand and South Africa where they don't play much, they've played 2000 Light Years Away, Forever Now, Still Breathing, Revolution Radio (Loving the amount of Rev Rad stuff coming back) and even Paper Lanterns. My question to you is, what is one or two songs you'd love to see added to these festival dates, be it songs they haven't performed in a while, or setlist staples that just weren't on this tour? For me, seeing the political atmosphere we're in (not going to get too deep into that lol), having them bring out Bang Bang for the US dates would be sick. Or 99 Revolutions, which I still consider to be in my top four favorite Green Day album openers. Thoughts?
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